Jul 11, 2022

KW Southern Africa launches its own Real Estate School

Keller Williams Southern Africa is proud to announce its next step in providing people the opportunity to enter the real estate agent industry – this through the Keller Williams Real Estate School.

With a country-wide network of Market Centres, the services will be provided on-site as well as by virtual presentations to make access to the facility as practical as possible for existing estate agents and people considering real estate as a career.

Keller Williams is the world’s largest real estate franchise and was ranked as the No.1 training organisation across all industries in the world as well as being inducted into the Training Magazine’s Hall of Fame.

Focused on training and coaching, Keller Williams provides leadership and agent curriculum paths that extend across all experience and production levels via resources and tools from Keller Williams University, KW MAPS Coaching, KellerINK, KW Labs, KW Video and KW Research.

For estate agents who register with Keller Williams, the services of the KW Real Estate School is included in the value proposition and provides agents with not only the opportunity to become certified estate agents, but also to be exposed to the best real estate agent training in the world.

KWSA has partnered with van Deventer & van Deventer Inc, a legal firm, who will make use of their training services to assist agents with their Logbook, PDE, NQF4 qualification requirements.

KWSA Regional Operating Partner, Johan Gouws, said the new compulsory status requirement by the Estate Agency Affairs Board of South Africa (EAAB) highlighted the importance of assisting real estate agents with their qualifications.

“Since all intern agents are required to upgrade from intern to full status within a 24-month period, we want to ensure that all KWSA agents are supported and given the opportunity to be at least competent against the NQF Level 4 real estate qualification.”

The KW Real Estate School, which will be a free service to KWSA agents, is a great opportunity to upskill for all agents from across South Africa.

“Any agent who joins KWSA will be eligible to enrol in the KW Real Estate School, if they meet the minimum requirements. Assisting intern real estate agents to obtain their qualifications is a win-win situation. It improves the level of real estate service in the country as well as equipping agents with the knowledge to be successful.”

The KW monthly fee per associate will include all internal training, the most advanced tech platform, access to the biggest training platform for estate agents in the world as well as the courses as required by the EAAB.

*Terms and Conditions apply

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